Cleansing the body of parasites at home: a summary of prevention techniques

A few years ago, the WHO shocked the world community with statistics: it turned out that more than half of all terrestrials (about four and a half billion people) suffer from parasitic diseases. The news is particularly frightening that the number of infected officially included only those who underwent a laboratory examination, underwent an enzyme immunization and did not participate in the experiment, for example, residents of the provinces joined by district hospitals. Thus, it should be assumed that about 80-90% of the world's population may need to cleanse the body of parasites. We will tell you about the signs of the disease and consider some popular methods of prevention.

Symptoms of parasitic effects on the human body

In the late 19th century, P. Gauguin, the great Impressionist and ardent traveler to the Pacific Islands, contracted helminthiasis. The tropical worms, the larvae of which the painter passed through the water, dwelt in the body of the artist and multiplied. The toxic discharge of the parasite, reaching the brain, caused color hallucinations in Paul Gauguin, thanks to which he saw the extremely living world. As a result, the constant state of intoxication helped the French master to create a unique color scheme. However, in the vast majority of cases, poisons taken from free chargers do not bring any benefit to the host organism, so it is recommended to perform regular body cleansing in order to protect yourself from parasites in stationary or indoor conditions.

The main symptoms of a parasitic attack are:

  • papular skin rash;
  • non-seasonal allergic reactions;
  • muscle pain;
  • weight on the right side;
  • unhealthy appetite (inexplicably weak or strong);
  • bloating associated with increased gas production;
  • bowel problems (diarrhea, constipation);
  • constantly raising the basal temperature;
  • anemia with B12 and F deficiency;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • disturbances in night sleep (especially in the so-called bull hour, i. e. from one to three);
  • increases excitement, nervousness, loss of energy.

If you notice at least one of the possible signs of helminthiasis, contact your doctor immediately!

Who is contraindicated to remove parasites from the body

Independent engagement in the prevention of fungal and other parasitic diseases is prohibited:

  • persons with weakened immunity (including those with acute respiratory infections);
  • people with inflammatory processes or stones in the organs of the excretory system;
  • women during menstrual bleeding;
  • pregnant;
  • breastfeeding mothers;
  • operated on patients during the recovery period;
  • diabetics and other patients with endocrinological disorders;
  • persons who are in the stage of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • people with cancer.

Even for those whose health condition is normal and who do not have strict contraindications, we strongly recommend that before the course of home cleaning, undergo a medical examination and consult withyour doctor to take preventive measures to protect against parasites did not damage the main systems of the body.

Preparing for a global cleanup

Before declaring war on helminths and other parasites, you need to do some preliminary work:

  1. Keep a complaint diary (within two to four weeks, enter information about illnesses in a notebook, indicating when they occurred).
  2. Have an enzyme immunization and discuss your symptoms and test results with a qualified therapist.

    If the tests are positive, you will need to see your doctor for further testing and medical treatment.

  3. Normalize water intake, which, by modern standards, means a daily intake of 2. 5 liters of purified fluid.
  4. Eliminate foods and beverages from the diet that prevent cleansing of the body (sausage, fried meat products, flour products, refined sugar cakes, colored sugary drinks and carbon dioxide, alcohol).
Review of popular antiparasitic techniques

Preventing attacks from fungi, harmful germs and worms is easy when you follow the instructions of experienced professionals. There are many healers among the authors of books on the fight against primitive invaders.

  • The first method of the naturopath, Hilda Clark, involves long cleansing courses - 12 months each. The doctor suggests that adults drink alcoholic tincture with 15 nuts every day. A dietary supplement made from green walnut shells and 500 ml of vodka or medical alcohol is added for one month. The recommended dose is 2 teaspoons per 100-150 ml of water, but should be achieved gradually, starting with 1 drop of solution per 100 ml of juice and adding 1 drop of solution every day.
    Alcohol-based preparation can adversely affect concentration, so the technique is not suitable for those who drive or perform socially responsible work.
    Dr. 's second methodClarke is also presented as a one-year course. To cleanse the body and protect against parasites at home, the Canadian suggests preparing a powder from dry wormwood. The author recommends drinking it with plenty of fresh purified water. The course of treatment begins with half a teaspoon of dried herb per glass of juice, while the dose of wormwood is gradually increased, reaching 3. 5 teaspoons, after which the patient returns to 2-2. 5 grams of the initial drug, which he takes until the end of therapy.
    Bitter wormwood leaves can cause muscle cramps and should never be taken during pregnancy. In addition, the powder is harmful during lactation: it spoils the taste of breast milk.

  • Traditional healer suggests fasting to systematically cleanse the body and prevent the appearance of parasites without the help of medication. He believes that you can protect yourself from helminths and other parasites yourself: it is enough to develop five-day courses of not eating every 2-3 months. Furthermore, the popularizer of alternative medicine believes that parasitic infection can be repelled with the help of urine therapy, but most modern doctors treat this technique negatively, so we do not recommend using it. of urine as a medicine.

  • The traditional healer cleansing method, which has created many books and brochures about the body's natural healing, is an integrated course that includes taking natural anthelmintic medicines and using enemas for total protection against giardia and others. parasites.
    We advise you to treat this technique only as another method of detox, and in case of illness, consult a doctor, because self-medication can lead to negative consequences.
    Therapy consists of 3 phases: first, wormwood soup is used to protect against worms and flagella, which is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of herb for 1 hot glass (80-90 degrees) water, insist an hour and drink twice a day. The second step is to drink tea from the green parts of chamomile, tansy flowers and a mixture of oak bark and buckthorn. The collection, where all the ingredients are presented in equal proportions, bake in a ceramic pot for 8-10 hours and drink 100 ml, catching it with pumpkin seeds. Hours later, the author of the technique recommends the use of Epsom salts as a laxative. The third part of the therapy is performed to prevent infection of the liver with the horn and larvae of ascaris. The healer suggests that at the beginning of the session you take a choleretic agent, then warm the liver (place a warm heating pad on the right side) and finally drink 200 ml of cold pressed olive oil and fresh lemon juice.Between the stages of cleansing the body of parasites, the healer advises to use 200 ml of garlic enema, but irrigating the intestines with scalded water is a harsh method to affect the gastrointestinal microflora, so we recommend that you refrain from it. such experiments on the body.

  • This method is analogous to the Canadian method of H. Clark, but is based on a less exotic product. The collection, consisting of tansy printed flowers, crushed bitter wormwood leaves and clove powder, composed in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. 5, is used in micro doses in the form of gelatin capsules containing about 1. 75g plants. During a ten-day course of cleansing from toxins and protection from parasites, the doctor advises to take 1 capsule three times a day, and for the next year - 3 capsules once a week to keep the body.
    The technique is not suitable for allergy sufferers, children, immunocompromised patients, patients with gastroenterological diagnoses and the elderly. Poisons contained in wormwood and tansy in small doses can adversely affect these groups of people.

  • Antiparasitic therapy by a well-known doctor is positioned as one of the easiest ways to protect yourself from helminths. As part of the treatment, an alkaline environment is created in the organs of the digestive tract that are not pleasant for worms, as a result of which the human body becomes an unsuitable place for parasites. The professor suggests drinking a weak solution of tea soda. At the same time, the concentration of the substance changes during the seven-day course: on the first day, 1. 5 g of powder is added to a glass of warm water, on the second and third days, 0. 75 g of soda is poured into a cup, andfrom day 4 to the end of treatment, diluted in 200 ml of water 3. 5 g of sodium bicarbonate.
    Please note that baking soda is an aggressive drug that can destroy healthy gastrointestinal microflora and even lead to ulceration. Do not take courses until you get your doctor's approval!
    Furthermore, to remove parasites from the infected organism, the doctor advises patients to be given a cleansing enema with soda and lemon juice. However, we advise you to avoid home treatment for helminthiasis, mycoses, etc. , especially with such aggressive medications.

Although each of the methods presented has fans, you should not use paramedical tools in the treatment of helminthiasis. The techniques presented above are exclusively prophylactic. At the same time, none of them is suitable for use in connection with children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and people with chronic and acute diseases!

Medical treatment

Medications for the removal of giardiasis, trypanosomiasis, amebiasis, trichomanellosis, helminthiasis and other diseases of a parasitic nature are recommended in cases where a person seeks to cure the disease quickly and effectively. Therapists in these situations usually prescribe enterosorbents first to prepare the intestines. Next, patients are prescribed anthelmintic drugs, which are needed for intensive cleansing of the body from parasites. After getting rid of harmful worms and protozoa, most people need to recover, so doctors prescribe vitamins, hepatoprotectors and medications to maintain a healthy stomach and intestinal microflora.

Despite the availability of medicines, even before using the simplest of them, we advise you to visit the clinic. The doctor will determine the correct dose and make the treatment as quick and comfortable as possible. More complex drugs can have side effects, therefore, in most cases, they are recommended for hospital use.

Traditional Medicine

Home remedies can be used as a way to strengthen the body's defenses. They do not get rid of fungi, bacteria and worms, but some of them help you not to get sick. Most popular recipes:

  • grated garlic (a tablespoon of a vegetable is mixed with 20 ml of cold lemon juice or boiled in a mug of 200 grams of milk and drunk on an empty stomach);
  • cognac and powdered oil (for 5 days at 17. 00 they take 30-50 ml of alcoholic beverage at room temperature, and at 19. 00 drink 30-50 ml of powdered oil);
    The technique is strictly forbidden for drivers as well as those suffering from increased nervous excitement, as alcohol is a strong psychostimulant.
  • pumpkin seeds (large unripe seeds are eaten on an empty stomach, 10-20 pieces each);
  • herbal preparations (calendula, cumin, immortelle, St. John's Wort insist as a decoction of tea and beverages at home in order to cleanse the intestines and protect against various parasites, 250 ml twice a day);
  • sour juices (a freshly squeezed drink made from apples, cabbage, pomegranate or grapes is consumed after meals to protect the body from attacks by giardia and amoebae).

Antiparasitic prophylaxis is an important component of a healthy lifestyle, but the method chosen must be safe. Consider possible contraindications to medicines and tonics and do not forget to consult a doctor for advice.